class RetinanetToPmml:
Write a PMML file for RetinaNet model.
model :
RetinaNet model object
input_shape : tuple
Expected shape of the images to be scored
backbone_name : string
Name of backbone used to build the model. Valid values are `['resnet', 'mobilenet', 'densenet', 'vgg']`
input_format : string (optional. default='image')
Input format to be used during inference with the PMML. Valid values are -
"image" : Original image in png format
"encoded" : Base64 encoded string of the image
trained_classes : list or tuple
List of the classes on which the model was trained. If not provided, default(1 to 80) classes will be used
pmml_file_name : string (default='from_retinanet.pmml')
Name of the PMML file
script_args : Dictionary or None
Contains information of the script to be used to convert `image` data into base64 string. Required when dataSet=`image`.
Required attributes -
content : string or function
The content of the script
def_name : string
name of the function to be used. Required when content is string
return_type : string
The return type of the function. Valid values are ('string', 'double', 'float','integer')
encode : boolean
The representation of the script in PMML. If True, the script will be represented as base64 encoded string, else as plain text.
If not provided, default value `True` is considered.
model_name : string (optional)
Name of the model
description : string (optional)
Description of the model
Creates Nyoka's PMML object and exports it to `pmml_file_name`
def inference_error(self):
return "Given model is not an inference model!"
def input_format_error(self):
return "Invalid input_format type. Valid values are `['image', 'encoded']`"
def backbone_name_error(self):
return "Invalid backbone_name. Valid values are `['resnet', 'mobilenet', 'densenet', 'vgg']`"
def __init__(self, model, input_shape, backbone_name, input_format="image", trained_classes=None,
pmml_file_name="from_retinanet.pmml", script_args=None, model_name=None, description=None):
assert model.layers[-1].__class__.__name__ == 'FilterDetections', self.inference_error()
assert input_format in ['image','encoded'], self.input_format_error()
assert backbone_name in ['resnet', 'mobilenet', 'densenet', 'vgg'], self.backbone_name_error()
self.backbone_name = backbone_name
self.model = model
self.input_shape = input_shape
self.input_format = input_format
self.script_args = script_args
self.model_name = model_name if model_name else "KerasRetinaNet"+input_format.title()
self.description = description if description else "RetinaNet model in PMML"
self.pmml_obj = None
self._pyramid_layers = ("P3", "P4", "P5", "P6", "P7")
self._layer_outputs = dict()
self.generate_pmml(model, input_shape,input_format,trained_classes)
def generate_beckbone_anchors(self, model, input_format, trained_classes):
Generates PMML object for the backbone + anchors
model :
RetinaNet model object
input_format : string
Input format to be used during inference with the PMML. Valid values are -
"image" : Original image in png format
"encoded" : Base64 encoded string of the image
trained_classes : List
List of class names for which the model was trained
Nyoka's PMML object
from keras.models import Sequential
mod = Sequential()
for l in model.layers[1:]:
if l.__class__.__name__ == "Model":
if trained_classes == None:
warnings.warn(f"trained_classes are not provided. Maximum 80 classes will be considered.")
trained_classes = ["Category_"+str(i+1).zfill(2) for i in range(80)]
group1_pmml = kerasAPI.KerasToPmml(mod,model_name=self.model_name,dataSet=input_format, description=self.description,
predictedClasses=trained_classes, script_args=self.script_args)
return group1_pmml
def generate_submodel(self, submodel):
Generates multiple PMML object for the regression and classification submodel of RetinaNet for each connected pyramid layers
submodel :
The Regression or the Classification submodel
List of Nyoka's NetworkLayer object for all the submodels
for idx, name in enumerate(self._pyramid_layers):
nyoka_pmml_reg_mod = kerasAPI.KerasToPmml(submodel)
del nyoka_pmml_reg_mod.DeepNetwork[0].NetworkLayer[0]
nyoka_pmml_reg_mod.DeepNetwork[0].NetworkLayer[0].connectionLayerId = name
for idx_, lay in enumerate(nyoka_pmml_reg_mod.DeepNetwork[0].NetworkLayer):
lay.layerId = lay.layerId+"_"+name
if idx_ != 0:
lay.connectionLayerId = lay.connectionLayerId+"_"+name
return net_layers_group
def generate_inference_layers(self, model):
Generates PMML object for the inference layers of RetinaNet
model :
RetinaNet model object
List of Nyoka's NetworkLayer
inference_layers= [lay for lay in model.layers[-8:] if lay.__class__.__name__ != "Model"]
inference_network_layers = list()
for lay in inference_layers:
for idx,lay_ in enumerate(lay._inbound_nodes[0].inbound_layers):
if hasattr(lay_,'layers'):
name = lay_.layers[-1].name+"_"+self._pyramid_layers[idx]
name =
if lay.__class__.__name__ == 'FilterDetections':
connectLayerIds = connectLayerIds[:2]
network_layer=kerasAPI.KerasNetworkLayer(lay,"dataSet",lay.__class__.__name__, connectLayerIds)
network_layer.connectionLayerId = ", ".join(connectLayerIds)
return inference_network_layers
def assign_shapes(self, model, input_shape, pmml_without_shape):
import numpy as np
Assigns the shape information to each NetworkLayer of the PMML
model :
RetinaNet model object
input_shape : tuple
Input shape of each image used during training
pmml_without_shape :
Generated PMML object without shape information
Nyoka's PMML object
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras import backend as K
from keras import Model
layer_output_dict = dict()
# dummy data for shape calculation
sample_data = np.random.random(size=input_shape)
nan_index = np.isnan(sample_data)
sample_data[nan_index] = 0.5
test = np.expand_dims(sample_data, axis=0)
# backbone and anchors
layers = []
for l in model.layers:
if l.__class__.__name__ == "Model":
inp = model.input
outputs_tens = [layer.output for layer in layers[1:]]
functor = K.function([inp], outputs_tens )
layer_outs = functor([test, 1.])
layer_outs.insert(0, test)
for lay, out in zip(layers, layer_outs):
layer_output_dict[] = out
# regression submodel
regression_submodel = model.layers[-8]
for lay in self._pyramid_layers:
inp = regression_submodel.get_input_at(0)
outputs_tens_ = [lay_.output for lay_ in regression_submodel.layers[1:]]
functor_ = K.function([inp], outputs_tens_ )
test_ = layer_output_dict[lay]
layer_outs_ = functor_([test_, 1.])
for lay_in, lay_out in zip(regression_submodel.layers[1:], layer_outs_):
layer_output_dict["_"+lay] = lay_out
# classification submodel
classification_submodel = model.layers[-4]
for lay in self._pyramid_layers:
inp = classification_submodel.get_input_at(0)
outputs_tens_ = [lay_.output for lay_ in classification_submodel.layers[1:]]
functor_ = K.function([inp], outputs_tens_ )
test_ = layer_output_dict[lay]
layer_outs_ = functor_([test_, 1.])
for lay_in, lay_out in zip(classification_submodel.layers[1:], layer_outs_):
layer_output_dict["_"+lay] = lay_out
# inference layers
inference_layers= [lay for lay in model.layers[-8:] if lay.__class__.__name__ != "Model"]
for lay in inference_layers:
layer_name =
intermediate_layer_model = Model(inputs=model.input,outputs=model.get_layer(layer_name).output)
layer_output_dict[layer_name] = intermediate_layer_model.predict(test)
# assign shapes
for net_layer in pmml_without_shape.DeepNetwork[0].NetworkLayer:
input_shape = None
if net_layer.connectionLayerId == "na":
input_shape = output_shape = str(layer_output_dict[net_layer.layerId].shape[1:])
connected_layers = net_layer.connectionLayerId.split(", ")
if len(connected_layers) > 1:
input_shape = []
for con_lay in connected_layers:
input_shape = ", ".join(input_shape)
input_shape = str(layer_output_dict[connected_layers[0]].shape[1:])
if net_layer.layerType == 'FilterDetections':
new_shape_lst = [0,0]
for o_shape in layer_output_dict[net_layer.layerId]:
o_shape = o_shape.shape[1:]
if len(o_shape) == 1:
shp = (o_shape[0], 1)
shp = o_shape
new_shape_lst[0] = shp[0]
new_shape_lst[1] += shp[1]
output_shape = str(tuple(new_shape_lst))
output_shape = str(layer_output_dict[net_layer.layerId].shape[1:])
net_layer.LayerParameters.inputDimension = input_shape
net_layer.LayerParameters.outputDimension = output_shape
return pmml_without_shape
def get_output(self):
Generates Output for RetinaNet
Nyoka's Output object
out_flds = []
Extension = [pml.Extension(extender="ADAPA", name="format", value="JSON")]
return pml.Output(OutputField=out_flds)
def get_training_parameter(self):
Generates TrainingParameters for RetinaNet
Nyoka's TrainingParameters object
train_param = pml.TrainingParameters(architectureName='retinanet')
return train_param
def get_local_transformation(self):
Generates Trasformation information for RetinaNet
Nyoka's LocalTransformations object
apply = pml.Apply(
FieldRef = [pml.FieldRef(field=self.input_format)],
Constant = [pml.Constant(valueOf_='tf' if self.backbone_name in ['mobilenet', 'densenet'] else 'caffe')]
der_fld = pml.DerivedField(
Apply = apply
return pml.LocalTransformations(DerivedField = [der_fld])
def generate_pmml(self,model,input_shape,input_format,trained_classes):
Generates PMML object for RetinaNet by combining all different part's PMML object
model :
RetinaNet model object
input_shape : tuple
Shape of each training image
input_format : string (optional. default='image')
Input format to be used during inference with the PMML. Valid values are -
"image" : Original image in png format
"encoded" : Base64 encoded string of the image
trained_classes : list or tuple
List of the classes on which the model was trained. If not provided, default(1 to 80) classes will be used
Generated nyoka's PMML object
backbone_and_anchor = self.generate_beckbone_anchors(model, input_format, trained_classes)
regression_submodel_layers = self.generate_submodel(model.layers[-8])
classification_submodel_layers = self.generate_submodel(model.layers[-4])
inference_layers = self.generate_inference_layers(model)
model_with_shape_info = self.assign_shapes(model, input_shape, backbone_and_anchor)
model_with_shape_info.DeepNetwork[0].numberOfLayers = len(model_with_shape_info.DeepNetwork[0].NetworkLayer)
model_with_shape_info.DeepNetwork[0].Output = self.get_output()
model_with_shape_info.DeepNetwork[0].TrainingParameters = self.get_training_parameter()
if self.input_format == 'image' and not self.script_args:
model_with_shape_info.DeepNetwork[0].LocalTransformations = self.get_local_transformation()
self.pmml_obj = model_with_shape_info