

This vignette introduces the main functions with a few examples.


Credentials and base url for cumulocity are stored in a user’s private .Renviron file.

The credentials are defined as follows:

CUMULOCITY_base_url = "[tenant url]"
CUMULOCITY_usr = "[username]"
CUMULOCITY_pwd = "[password]"

The tenant url should be of the form “”.

The file .Renviron can be edited with usethis::edit_r_environ().

Get devices

Get devices for the tenant and display a few columns. If no arguments are passed, get_devices() returns all devices.

devices <- get_devices()
print(devices[,c("type", "name", "id")])
#>             type                 name      id
#> 1 c8y_MQTTDevice          temp_001 #1     141
#> 2 c8y_MQTTDevice MQTT Device simA1000 1416318
#> 3 c8y_MQTTDevice MQTT Device simA1001 1416323
#> 4 c8y_MQTTDevice MQTT Device simA1002 1416328
#> 5 c8y_MQTTDevice MQTT Device simA1003 1416333
#> 6 c8y_MQTTDevice MQTT Device simA1004 1416338
#> 7 c8y_MQTTDevice MQTT Device simA1005 1416341
#> 8 c8y_MQTTDevice MQTT Device simA9999 1416348
#> 9 c8y_MQTTDevice           pos_001 #1     147

Get measurements

Get measurements for device “temp_001 #1” and plot the result. Datetimes are returned as character strings; we first convert to POSIXct before plotting.

device_id <- 141
meas <- get_measurements(device_id = device_id,
                         num_rows = 100,
                         date_from = "2019-09-30T19:59:00Z")
kable(head(meas[c("time", "type", "c8y_Temperature.T.value")]))
time type c8y_Temperature.T.value
2020-02-06T00:00:02.447Z c8y_Temperature -6.691306
2020-02-06T00:00:07.453Z c8y_Temperature -5.000000
2020-02-06T00:00:12.455Z c8y_Temperature -3.090170
2020-02-06T00:00:17.448Z c8y_Temperature -1.045285
2020-02-06T00:00:22.456Z c8y_Temperature 1.045285
2020-02-06T00:00:27.448Z c8y_Temperature 3.090170
time_parsed <- as.POSIXct(meas$time, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OSZ", tz = "Z")

plot(time_parsed, meas$c8y_Temperature.T.value, type = "l",
     xlab = "Time", ylab = "Temperature (deg C)")

Get events

We can get events for the other device:

events <- get_events(device_id = 147,
                     num_rows = 6,
                     date_from = "2019-09-30T19:59:00Z")

kable(events[c("type", "time", "c8y_Position.lng", "c8y_Position.alt")])
type time c8y_Position.lng c8y_Position.alt
c8y_LocationUpdate 2020-03-26T21:21:09.105Z 6.758051 0
c8y_LocationUpdate 2020-03-26T21:21:04.111Z 6.756248 0
c8y_LocationUpdate 2020-03-26T21:20:59.104Z 6.753502 0
c8y_LocationUpdate 2020-03-26T21:20:54.104Z 6.749554 0
c8y_LocationUpdate 2020-03-26T21:20:49.104Z 6.745090 0
c8y_LocationUpdate 2020-03-26T21:20:44.095Z 6.742601 0

Unparsed data

By default, the content is parsed, but it is possible to return a list of JSON objects.

meas_03 <- get_measurements(device_id = device_id,
                            num_rows = 2,
                            date_from = "2019-09-30T19:59:00Z",
                            parse_json = FALSE)

#> [[1]]
#> [1] "{\"next\":\"\",\"self\":\"\",\"statistics\":{\"totalPages\":null,\"currentPage\":1,\"pageSize\":2},\"measurements\":[{\"self\":\"\",\"time\":\"2020-02-06T00:00:02.447Z\",\"id\":\"413574\",\"source\":{\"self\":\"\",\"id\":\"141\"},\"type\":\"c8y_Temperature\",\"c8y_Temperature\":{\"T\":{\"unit\":\"\\u00baC\",\"value\":-6.6913060636}}},{\"self\":\"\",\"time\":\"2020-02-06T00:00:07.453Z\",\"id\":\"413576\",\"source\":{\"self\":\"\",\"id\":\"141\"},\"type\":\"c8y_Temperature\",\"c8y_Temperature\":{\"T\":{\"unit\":\"\\u00baC\",\"value\":-5}}}]}"