
The Value type

Most blocks deal with simple values of types float, string, boolean or pulse. However, it is also possible to provide extra properties alongside these values. For example, the Cumulocity blocks provide both a float (from a Measurement) or pulse (for an Event) and any extra properties provided in the Measurement or Event object. For this, use the Value type.

The Value type has a value field of type any. This should be of one of the core types string, float or boolean, and the block should declare which of these types (or pulse) it will send in Value objects. When an output providing Value objects is connected to a block with a simple input, the framework unpacks the simple value from the Value object. Thus, while the Cumulocity Measurement generates Value objects with extra properties, these can still be connected to blocks expecting a simple numeric input of type float.

If a block uses the Value type as an input, it may also specify a constant string $INPUT_TYPE_<inputId> if it wants to specify a more exact type.

The Extract Property block provided with Analytics Builder is able to extract different properties from a Value input, provided the value is one of the core types string, float or boolean.

The entries in the properties field of the Value can be of any serializable type. Refer to the TimeWindow.mon sample for an example of providing a more complex type.

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