******* Scripts ******* There is one script in adapya-entirex that can be run on the command line. It accepts Unix style parameters. A help page is shown with the help option. cmdinfo.py - EntireX Broker CIS Services ======================================== The command line script cmdinfo.py is a client service explorer of the webMethods EntireX Broker CIS Services. Only a selection of the available fields is shown (see \*_FIELDS) This covers the Broker API for Command and Information Services V9.7 Usage:: cmdinfo [options] Options ------- :: -h, --help display this help -b, --broker .. id of broker ETBxxxxx or hostname:port -c, --class .. Broker server class (selector) -d --detail info request detailed conversation/uows -n, --name .. Broker server name (selector) -k, --token .. Token -m, --maxinfo .. Receive buffer length - default 32768 -o, --option .. Option: QUIESCE, IMMED (first char suffices) -p, --puid Physical user id (selector) -q, --seqno Sequence number (selector) -s, --service .. Broker service (selector) short: -s class/server/service -i, --infouid .. user id for broker communication -u, --userid .. user id for information on active clients (selector) -v, --convid .. conversation id (selector) -w, --uowid .. unit of work (selector) -x, --password .. password -t, --trace .. sum of trace flags 1 - dump buffers before Broker call 2 - after call 4 - print broker calls, short and data 8 - detailed print of buffers CIS commands (default command: info) -S, --shutdown needs parameters convid or service or seqno (for server) or userid/puid/token for client -P, --purge psf remove uow from persistent store -T, --btrace Broker trace on level 1-8, 0 switch off Examples -------- 1. show all services for broker class REPTOR and server MMSERV and related conversations, units of work and servers; show clients starting with userid MM show general broker information first:: > cmdinfo -b zos3:3800 -u MM -s REPTOR/MMSERV/* 2. shutdown a participant identified by userid / a service / a conversation:: > cmdinfo -b zos3:3800 -Su OUT4_Reader -Ss REPTOR/MMSERV/OUT4 -Sv 1290000000000105