************ Installation ************ :: > pip install adapya-entirex This installs the *adapya-entirex* with the Python package installer from the Python Package Index web site. A required package is adapya.base which will be also installed by pip. Or to install from a zip file (similarly for tar file):: > pip install adapya-entirex-1.3.0.zip .. note:: If your local internet is protected by a http proxy you may need to set the HTTP\_PROXY environment variable before running pip:: SET HTTP_PROXY=http://: Not setting it may result in time out operations. Prerequisites ============= Before installing adapya ensure the following: - Python is available on the platform. adapya-entirex supports the Python versions 2.7 or 3.5 and higher - EntireX V9.0 or higher - Alternatively install the EntireX mini-runtime On Windows this file can be found in the EntireX/Etc/ folder. The broker interface is loaded as DLL/shared library - for Windows verify that the directory that contains broker.dll (64 bit) or broker32.dll is in the PATH. E.g. :: C:/Program Files/Common Files/Software AG for 64 bit C:/Program Files (x86)/Common Files/Software AG for 32 bit - on Linux the shared library libbroker.so is loaded .. note:: For users starting with Python a recommended read is the short Python Tutorial available with function key F1 in the IDLE Python GUI or at ``_