Source code for adapya.era.urb

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: latin1 -*-
""" - User Replication Buffer Definitions

from adapya.adabas import adaerror
from adapya.base.datamap import Datamap,String,Uint1,Uint2,Uint4,Uint8
from adapya.base.datamap import Bytes,Int2,Int4,T_NONE,T_HEX,T_STCK
from adapya.base.datamap import list_str,str_str,bit_str

REPTOR_RSP = 131 # Replication response code
texts_reptor_subcodes = ('',
  'URBD and Data exceeds output buffer', #01
  'Subscription user exit response in URBRERRC', #02
  'Space shortage in nucleus (LREPL)', #03
  'Space shortage in Reptor (LREPL)', #04
  'Subscription user exit set invalid data length (URBDLEND)', #5
  'Response destination not found for status request', #6
  'Unspecified destination and subscription in status request', #7
  'Subscription or Destination not found for status request', #8
  'Initial state name not found', #9
  'Response destinations must be same for all requests in one message', #10

  'Initial-state names must be same for all requests in one message', #11
  'INITIALSTATE DBID/FNR definition not found as requested in URBI', #12
  'SELCRIT (presently not supported) or invalid type specified', #13
  'DBID/FNR must be specified in Initial-state request and definition', #14
  'URBILEND>0 for Initial-state all records', #15
  'Invalid ISNLIST or ISN range specification', #16
  'Initial-state process stopped by operator', #17
  'Request token must be same in all URBIs of a message', #18
  'URBILEND=0 for Initial-state with selection', #19
  'Invalid key value when decompressing in subscription', #20

  'Invalid UES parameters - URBIARC/ACOD/WCOD are non-zero'\
  ' and Reptor is not UES enabled', #21
  'Initial-state request for deactivated DBID/FNR', #22
  'Invalid UES parameters - URBIARC/ACOD/WCOD must not all be blanks', #23
  'Invalid UES parameters - URBIARC/ACOD/WCOD should be zero', #24
  'Reserved URBIRES1 and URBIRES2 fields did not contain zeros', #25
  'Destination name not found', #26
  'No active destinations for status request', #27
  'Initial State request received after Reptor shutdown started', #28
  '', #29 unused
  'Unknown response destination name in URBI', #30

  'Unknown destination name in URBI', #31
  'Unknown subscription name in URBI', #32
  'URBIDNAM destination not related to subscription ', #33
  'Specified subscription has no resend buffer defined', #34
  'Requested transaction not found in resend buffer', #35
  'Specified subscription is not active', #36
  'Invalid transaction in resend buffer', #37
  'No active destinations', #38
  'Selection data not permitted for TRAN request', #39
  'DBID and file number not permitted for TRAN request', #40

  'Initial-state name not permitted for TRAN request', #41
  'UES parameters must be zero in URBI for TRAN request', #42
  'Unused URBIRES1 and URBIRES2 must be zero for TRAN request', #43
  'Number of active concurent initial-state requests exceeded IMAXREQ', #44
  'Input request URBH eyecatcher is invalid', #45
  'Input request URBHLEN is invalid',  #46
  'Input request URBHBORD is invalid', #47
  'Input request URBHVERS is invalid', #48
  'Input request message truncated',   #49
  'Input request URBHLENT is invalid', #50

  'Input request URBILENH is invalid', #51
  'Input request URBILEND is invalid', #52
  'Input request URBILEN is invalid',  #53
  'Input request reserved area is not zero', #54
  'Input request more than one status received', #55
  'Input request invalid URBI request received', #56
  'Input request different interleaved requests received', #57
  'Invalid destination for response', #58
  'Replay request for inactive database', #59
  'Invalid (undefined/outdated) replay token', #60

  '''Invalid request sent to Reptor. RBL is insufficient,
     no FB provided on Init handshake or other such errors''', #61
  '''Record data suppressed because FDT as of time of update
     no longer available''',                                   #62
  'File given in C5/R cmd is not replicated',                  #63
  'Extended subscription compare between field types unsupported', #64
  'Extended subscription field in condition not found in format buffer', #65
  'Extended subscription field in condition not selectable', #66
  'Extended subscription FLIST data provided by user invalid or out of range', #67
  'Extended subscription unexpected error',  #68
  'Replay for same DBID/FNR already running', #69
  'File specified not found in Reptor subscription', #70

  'DATE/TIME format or value incorrect', #71
  'Incorrect replay parameters', #72
  'Replay subscription deactivated', #73
  'Replay destination deactivated', #74
  'Replay destination without SLOG closed', #75
  'ADARPL terminated abnormally', #76
  'Invalid replay status transition', #77
  'New transactions not held during replay', #78
  'Replay process canceled by user', #79
  'Timeout while waiting for file reactivation in Adabas', #80

  'A TOKEN for an existing RRU was found but was not generated by Replay', #81
  'RRDSORT is not Y or N, so the ADABAS is not currently connected w/Reptor', #82
  'Neither Subscriptions nor Destinations specified by Replay request', #83
  """Replication data from ADABAS can flow
   to active Subsription/Destination pair
   involved in Replay-only mode Replay.""", #84
  'Replay file deactivated', #85
  'Invalid format buffer for destination type ADABAS update commands', #86
  'Unexpected message sequence number', #87
  'Unrecognized eye-catcher in control block following the URBH', #88
  'Same subscription name specified more than once in Replay process initialization', #89
  'Same destination name specified more than once in Replay process initialization', #90

  'Replay Start Date/Time not supplied for Automatic Replay', #91
  'Timeout parameter to high', #92
  'PLOG info not recorded in Reptor system file ', #93
  'AI/BI format buffer used also for key', #94
  'Attempt to set user/reptor encoding failed', #95
  'Initial State target nuc down (RSP148)', #96
  'Format buffer contains LOB field - not supported', #97
  'ADABAS nucleus is higher version than the Reptor version', #98
  'Subscription name (URBISNAM) may not be specified for this type of input request', # 99
  'Transaction sequence number (URBITNSR) may not be specified for this type of input request', # 100
  'Open or close destination input request failed on some tasks', #101
  'Open or close destination input request failed', #102
  'Open or close destination request invalid or was issued while already being requested', # 103
  'Begin byte in field filter longer than field length', #104
  'Begin byte plus portion length in field filter longer than field length', #105
  'Begin byte or length not supported for field with format U,P,F,G or W', #106
  'Length value invalid for field', #107
  'Input request URBI eye-catcher invalid', #108
  'Adabas security (ADASCR) function invalidly replicated to subscription file defined with SFSECURITYFILE=NO', #109
  'Invalid Adabas security (ADASCR) pseudo transaction has been replicated to the Reptor', #110
  'Replicated record (delete, insert, refresh, or update) invalidly replicated to subscription file defined with SFSECURITYFILE=YES', #111
  'Request to convert an update to a delete failed because no before image was provided', #112

#  Plug-in special replication response code 131 subcode texts

[docs]def plugrsp131(rsp,subcode,errc): """Set Response 131 Reptor subcodes to text plugin""" return 'Reptor Response 131'\ + ' with subcode=%d, info=%r: '%(subcode, errc)\ + datamap.list_str(subcode,urb.texts_reptor_subcodes)
adaerror.plugrsp(REPTOR_RSP, plugrsp131) # set the rsp plugin for resp. 131 def urbcont_str(s): # used in URBC and URBT return str_str(s,{'Y': 'Transaction will be continued in next message'}) def urbrsnd_str(s): # used in URBR and URBT return str_str(s,{'Y': 'Possible double delivery'}) URBCEYE = 'URBC' URBCL = 48 URBCCONY = 'Y' # set in urbccont if more data to follow in next msg
[docs]class Urbc(Datamap): """ URBC -- Continuation element Contains information related to a transaction that is continued in the current message. Optional init parms: buffer and offset """ def __init__(self, **kw): Datamap.__init__(self, 'URBC', String( 'urbceye', 4), # URBC eye-catcher 'URBC' Int4( 'urbclen'), # Length of URBC String( 'urbcsnam', 8), # Subscription name Uint4( 'urbctsnr'), # Current transaction sequence number # within subscription/destination Uint4( 'urbcrsnr'), # Current record sequence number Uint4( 'urbcdsnr'), # Current data sequence number for record String( 'urbccont', 1, ppfunc=urbcont_str), # Indicator transaction continuation String( 'filler1', 19, opt=T_NONE), # Reserved area **kw)
urbd_type={'A':'after image', 'B':'before image','K':'key before image'} def urbdtyp_str(s): return str_str(s,urbd_type) URBDEYE = 'URBD' URBDL = 32 # urbdtyp contents: URBDTYPA = 'A' # After image of data storage URBDTYPB = 'B' # Before image of data storage URBDTYPK = 'K' # Before image of primary key
[docs]class Urbd(Datamap): """ URBD -- Data element Contains data related to a before or after image associated with one record. Optional init parms: buffer and offset """ def __init__(self, **kw): Datamap.__init__(self, 'URBD', String( 'urbdeye', 4), # URBD eye-catcher 'URBD' Int4( 'urbdlen'), # Length of URBD + related data + filler Int4( 'urbdlenh'), # Length of URBD Int4( 'urbdlend'), # Length of related data (at URBDDATA) Uint4( 'urbddsnr'), # Data sequence number for record String( 'urbdtyp', 1, ppfunc=urbdtyp_str), # Type of data String( 'filler1', 11, opt=T_NONE),# Reserved area # Payload data following (before or after image) **kw)
[docs]class Urbe(Datamap): """ URBE -- End-of-transaction element indicates the end of the transaction related to the preceding record and data elements. """ def __init__(self, **kw): Datamap.__init__(self, 'URBE', String( 'urbeeye', 4), # URBE eye-catcher 'URBE' Int4( 'urbelen'), # Length of URBE String( 'urbesnam', 8), # Subscription name Uint4( 'urbetsnr'), # Transaction sequence number # within subscription/destination String( 'filler1', 12, opt=T_NONE), # Reserved area **kw)
URBHL = 64 # urbh length URBHEYE = 'URBH' URBHVER1 = '01' URBHBORD = 0x0001 # big endian URBHBORH = '\x00\x01' # = high order byte first URBHBORL = '\x01\x00' # little endian
[docs]class Urbh(Datamap): """ URBH - Message header URBH is put at the start of each buffer sent to the messaging system. """ def __init__(self, **kw): Datamap.__init__(self, 'URBH', String( 'urbheye', 4), # URBH eye-catcher 'URBH' (in EBCDIC) Int4( 'urbhlen'), # Length of URBH String( 'urbhvers', 2), # Version indicator for URB* DSECTs: Int2( 'urbhbord', opt=T_HEX), # Const 1 to indicate the byte order Uint4( 'urbhlent'), # Total message length (including URBH) Uint4( 'urbhmsnr'), # Message sequence number per destination Uint8( 'urbhtime', opt=T_STCK), # Time (STCK) when message was sent Uint2( 'urbhrpid'), # Target ID of originating Reptor Uint2( 'urbhrpni'), # Nucleus ID of originating Reptor String( 'urbhname', 8), # Sender name ('REPTOR' if sent by Reptor) String( 'filler1', 24, opt=T_NONE), # Reserved area **kw)
urbi_rtext={'STAT': 'Status request', 'INST': 'Initial-state request', 'TRAN': 'Prior transaction request', 'OPND': 'Open destination request', 'CLSD': 'Close destination request', } def urbirt_str(s): return str_str(s,urbi_rtext) URBIL = 96 URBIEYE = 'URBI' # urbirt: Request type URBIRTST = 'STAT' # Status request URBIRTIS = 'INST' # Initial state request URBIRTTA = 'TRAN' # Retrieve data for prior transaction URBIRTOD = 'OPND' # Open a destination URBIRTCD = 'CLSD' # Close a destination
[docs]class Urbi(Datamap): """ URBI -- Input element contains input data for a request from a Target Application to the Reptor. """ def __init__(self, **kw): Datamap.__init__(self, 'URBI', String( 'urbieye', 4), # URBI eye-catcher 'URBI' Int4( 'urbilen'), # Length of URBI + selection data + filler Int4( 'urbilenh'), # Length of URBI proper (>= URBIL) Int4( 'urbilend'), # Length of selection data (may be zero) String( 'urbirtok', 8), # Request ID token (returned in response) String( 'urbirnam', 8), # Destination name for response String( 'urbirt', 4, ppfunc=urbirt_str), # Request type: STAT/INST/TRAN Uint2( 'urbidbid'), # Database ID (INST request) Uint2( 'urbifnr'), # File number (INST request) String( 'urbiinam', 8), # Initial-state name (INST request) String( 'urbisnam', 8), # Subscription name or blank (STAT/TRAN req) String( 'urbidnam', 8), # Destination name or blank (STAT/TRAN req) Uint4( 'urbiacod'), # alpha field encoding in selection data Uint4( 'urbiwcod'), # wide field encoding in selection data Bytes( 'urbiarc', 1), # architecture flags for selection data String( 'urbires1', 3, opt=T_NONE), # Reserved area1 Uint4( 'urbitsnr'), # Transaction within # subscription/destination (TRAN req) String( 'urbires2', 16, opt=T_NONE), # Reserved area2 # Optional selection data (INST request) **kw)
[docs]class Urbi_isns(Datamap): """ Urbi_isns -- Initial-State Request ISN list definitions either individual ISNs are possible or ranges of ISNs with range indicator and 2 ISNs defining the range """ def __init__(self, **kw): Datamap.__init__(self, 'URBII', Uint4( 'urbiisn'), # ISN # or alternatively: Int4( 'urbiirange',repos=-4), # Range indicator Uint4( 'urbiisn1'), # from ISN Uint4( 'urbiisn2'), # to ISN **kw)
[docs]class New_Urb(Datamap): """ new URB - helper to detect which URB type it is """ def __init__(self, **kw): Datamap.__init__(self, 'new_URB', String( 'eye', 4), # eye-catcher 'URBx' **kw)
def urborig_str(s): # used in URBS and URBT return str_str(s,{'A': 'Origin: Adabas nucleus', 'G': 'Origin: ADARES', 'L': 'Origin: ADALOD Load', 'R': 'Origin: ADARPL Replay', 'S': 'Origin: ADASAV', 'U': 'Origin: ADALOD Update'}) urbr_type={'D': 'delete', 'I': 'insert', 'R': 'initial state', 'U': 'update'} def urbrtyp_str(s): return str_str(s,urbr_type) urbruc_type={'D': 'Update converted to Delete', 'I': 'Update converted to Insert' } def urbruc_str(s): return str_str(s,urbruc_type) def urbrdcu_str(s): if s == 'Y': return 'Delete converted to update' else: return '' URBREYE = 'URBR' URBRL = 64 # Values for field "urbrtyp" URBRTYPD = 'D' # Delete URBRTYPI = 'I' # Insert URBRTYPR = 'R' # Initial State (refresh) URBRTYPU = 'U' # Update # Values for field "urbrrsnd" URBRRSNY = 'Y' # Data for same record may have been already sent
[docs]class Urbr(Datamap): """ URBR - Record Element contains information related to one record. """ def __init__(self, **kw): Datamap.__init__(self, 'URBR', String( 'urbreye', 4), # URBR eye-catcher 'URBR' Int4( 'urbrlen'), # Length of URBR Uint4( 'urbrrsnr'), # Record sequence number within transaction Int2( 'urbrdcnt'), # Count of data elements (URBDs) Uint2( 'urbrfnr'), # Original Adabas file number Uint4( 'urbrisn'), # Original Adabas ISN Uint8( 'urbrtime', opt=T_STCK), # Time (STCK) of last modification String( 'urbrtyp', 1, ppfunc=urbrtyp_str),# Type of update String( 'urbrrsnd', 1, ppfunc=urbrsnd_str),# Ind. possible double delivery Uint2( 'urbrrsp'), # Response code Uint4( 'urbrsubc'), # Subcode information String( 'urbrerrc', 8), # Other error code information String( 'urbrdcu', 1, ppfunc=urbrdcu_str),# Indicator for delete to update conversion String( 'urbruc', 1, ppfunc=urbruc_str),# Indicator for update conversion to delete or insert String( 'filler1', 18, opt=T_NONE), # Reserved area **kw)
urbs_status = { 'INIT': 'Initial-state processing started', 'ERRO': 'Initial-state processing ERROR', 'CMPL': 'Initial-state processing completed', 'SUBS': 'Subscription status information', 'STRT': 'Normal Reptor session start', 'REST': 'Reptor restart after abnormal end', 'TERM': 'Normal Reptor session termination', 'DEAC': 'Replication deactivated', 'REAC': 'Replication reactivated', 'TRSP': 'Response to prior-transaction request', 'LOST': 'Possibly lost replication data', 'C5DA': 'Replication user data from C5 command', 'LODS': 'ADALOD LOAD started', 'LODE': 'ADALOD LOAD ended', 'RPLS': 'Replay process (ADARPL) started', 'RPLE': 'Replay process (ADARPL) ended', 'REFR': 'Resource refreshed', 'SAVS': 'ADASAV RESTORE started', 'SAVE': 'ADASAV RESTORE ended', 'RESS': 'ADARES REGENERATE/BACKOUT started', 'RESE': 'ADARES REGENERATE/BACKOUT ended', 'UPDS': 'ADALOD UPDATE started', 'UPDE': 'ADALOD UPDATE ended', 'AUTI': 'Adabas utility service replication', 'CLOS': 'Destination closed', 'OPEN': 'Destination opened', 'ASEC': 'Adabas security replication', 'SLON': 'SLOG turned on for destination', 'SLOF': 'SLOG turned off for destination', 'SLDO': 'SLOG for DB-related input turned on', 'SLDF': 'SLOG for DB-related input turned off', 'SLDS': 'SLOG for DB-related input suspended', 'SLDR': 'SLOG for DB-related input resumed', 'SLDD': 'SLOG for DB-related input disabled', 'DFUL': 'Destination full', 'DERR': 'Destination error', 'DBCO': 'Database connected', 'DBDI': 'Database disconnected', 'DBNP': 'Database not present', 'DCMP': 'Decompression error: AI,BI,FAI,FBI or KEY', 'REFG': 'Refresh Globals', 'IQOP': 'Input Queue opened', 'IQCL': 'Input Queue closed', }
[docs]def urbsst_str(s): "convert URBS status code to readable string" return str_str(s,urbs_status)
urbssubc_str=None # class method defined later in Urbs class URBSL = 128 URBSEYE = 'URBS' # urbsrt - Request types: URBSRTST = 'STAT' # Subscription status information URBSRTIS = 'INST' # Initial-state processing information URBSRTTA = 'TRAN' # Response to prior-transaction request URBSRTOD = 'OPND' # Open a destination URBSRTCD = 'CLSD' # Close a destination # urbsst - Reptor Status/Response URBSSTIN = 'INIT' # Initial-state processing commenced URBSSTER = 'ERRO' # Initial-state erroneous request rejected URBSSTCM = 'CMPL' # Initial-state processing completed URBSSTSU = 'SUBS' # Subscription status information URBSSTUP = 'STRT' # Normal Reptor session start URBSSTAR = 'REST' # Reptor restart after abnormal end URBSSTDN = 'TERM' # Normal Reptor session termination URBSSTDA = 'DEAC' # Replication deactivated URBSSTRA = 'REAC' # Replication reactivated URBSSTTR = 'TRSP' # Response to prior-transaction request URBSSTLO = 'LOST' # Possible lost replication data URBSSTC5 = 'C5DA' # Replication user data from C5 command URBSSTLS = 'LODS' # ADALOD LOAD started URBSSTLE = 'LODE' # ADALOD LOAD ended URBSSTRS = 'RPLS' # Replay process (ADARPL) started URBSSTRE = 'RPLE' # Replay process (ADARPL) ended URBSSTRF = 'REFR' # Resource refreshed URBSSTSS = 'SAVS' # ADASAV RESTORE started URBSSTSE = 'SAVE' # ADASAV RESTORE ended URBSSTGS = 'RESS' # ADARES REGENERATE/BACKOUT started URBSSTGE = 'RESE' # ADARES REGENERATE/BACKOUT ended URBSSTUS = 'UPDS' # ADALOD UPDATE started URBSSTUE = 'UPDE' # ADALOD UPDATE ended URBSSTAU = 'AUTI' # utility service replication URBSSTCL = 'CLOS' # Destination closed URBSSTOP = 'OPEN' # Destination opened URBSSTAS = 'ASEC' # Adabas security replication URBSSTSN = 'SLON' # SLOG turned on for destination URBSSTSF = 'SLOF' # SLOG turned off for destination URBSSTDO = 'SLDO' # SLOG for DB-related input turned on URBSSTDF = 'SLDF' # SLOG for DB-related input turned off URBSSTDS = 'SLDS' # SLOG for DB-related input suspended URBSSTDR = 'SLDR' # SLOG for DB-related input resumed URBSSTDD = 'SLDD' # SLOG for DB-related input disabled URBSSTFL = 'DFUL' # Destination full URBSSTDE = 'DERR' # Destination error URBSSTCO = 'DBCO' # Database connected URBSSTDI = 'DBDI' # Database disconnected URBSSTNP = 'DBNP' # Database not present URBSSTDC = 'DCMP' # Decompression error: AI,BI,FAI,FBI or KEY URBSSTRG = 'REFG' # Refresh Globals URBSSTQO = 'IQOP' # Input Queue opened URBSSTQC = 'IQCL' # Input Queue closed
[docs]class Urbs(Datamap): """ URBS -- Reptor status/response element Contains status/response information sent from the Reptor to a Target Application. """ def urbssubc_str(self, subc): if self.urbsrsp==REPTOR_RSP: return list_str(subc,texts_reptor_subcodes) else: return '' # def __init__(self, **kw): Datamap.__init__(self, 'URBS', String( 'urbseye', 4), # URBS eye-catcher 'URBS' # Int4( 'urbslen'), # Length of URBS + data (C5DA) + filler String( 'urbsrtok', 8), # Request ID token (from original request), String( 'urbsrt', 4), # Request type (blank if no request): String( 'urbsst', 4, ppfunc=urbsst_str), # Reptor status/response information: Uint8( 'urbstime', opt=T_STCK), # Time (STCK) when this URBS was created Uint4( 'urbsrsp'), # Response code for request Uint4( 'urbssubc', ppfunc=self.urbssubc_str), # Subcode for request String( 'urbserri', 8), # Other pertinent error information String( 'urbsinam', 8), # Initial-state name (INIT/CMPL/ERRO message) String( 'urbssnam', 8), # Subscription name (ASEC/C5DA/DCMP/DEAC/ # LOST/REAC/REFR/RPLE/RPLS/SUBS/TRSP msg) String( 'urbsdnam', 8), # Destination name (DEAC/DERR/FULL/REAC/REFR/SLOF/SLON message) Uint8( 'urbsptim', opt=T_STCK), # Time (STCK) transaction processed # for subscription (SUBS) Uint8( 'urbsttim', opt=T_STCK), # Time (STCK) transaction commit # (ASEC/AUTI/C5DA/SUBS) Uint4( 'urbstsnr'), # Transaction sequence number within # subscription/destination (SUBS/TRSP message) Uint2( 'urbsdbid'), # Database ID //(ASEC/CMPL/DCMP/DEAC/ERRO/INIT/LODS/ Uint2( 'urbsfnr'), # File number // LODE/LOST/REAC/SAVS/SAVE/UPDS/UPDE msg) Int4( 'urbslenh'), # Length of URBS Int4( 'urbslend'), # Length of related data (at URBSDATA) Uint2( 'urbsutok'), # Utility token (CMPL/ERRO/INIT/LODS/LODE/RPLS/RPLE/ # SAVS/SAVE/UPDS/UPDE message) String( 'urbsorig', 1, ppfunc=urborig_str), # Origin of status (C5DA/RPLS/RPLE) String( 'filler1', 5, opt=T_NONE), # Reserved area String( 'urbsiqnm', 8), # Input Queue name (IQCL/IQOP/REFR msg) String( 'filler2', 8, opt=T_NONE), # Reserved area #urbsdata following here. Add URBSL to the URBS start # For the RPLS/RPLE message, URBSDATA contains a list of 2-byte # file numbers of the file(s) associated with the replay process # for the subscription given in URBSSNAM **kw)
def urbsutyp_str(s): # used in URBSUT return str_str(s, { 0x41: 'Change field length', 0x44: 'Delete file', 0x48: 'Refresh file', 0x4a: 'Release descriptor', 0x4b: 'Rename file', 0x4e: 'Switch Reuse ISN', 0x4f: 'Switch Reuse DS', 0x55: 'Modify FCB', 0x57: 'Define file', 0x58: 'Write FDT', 0x59: 'Add new fields', 0x5c: 'Change field format', 0x68: 'Switch USERISN', 0x69: 'Switch MIXDSDEV', 0x70: 'Online invert', 0x78: 'Switch MUPEX', })
[docs]class Urbsu(Datamap): """ URBSU -- Reptor Status Adabas Utility Service Detail Element Contains information about Adabas Online utiltity Service processed on the input database. This data follows an URBS with urbsst=URBSSTAU """ def __init__(self, **kw): Datamap.__init__(self, 'URBSU', String( 'urbsueye', 6), # URBSU eye-catcher 'URBSU' # Uint1( 'urbsutyp',ppfunc=urbsutyp_str, opt=T_HEX), # Utility function type Bytes( 'filler1', 25, opt=T_NONE), # Reserved area **kw)
[docs]class Urbsu41(Datamap): """ URBSU41 Change field length """ def __init__(self, **kw): Datamap.__init__(self, 'URBSU41', String( 'fieldname', 2), # field name Int4( 'newlength'), # new field length **kw)
[docs]class Urbsu44(Datamap): """ URBSU44 Delete file""" def __init__(self, **kw): Datamap.__init__(self, 'URBSU44', String( 'status', 2), # Status == 'S' keep FDT Uint2( 'anchor'), # Anchor/master file number **kw)
[docs]class Urbsu4a(Datamap): """ URBSU4A Release Descriptor """ def __init__(self, **kw): Datamap.__init__(self, 'URBSU4A', String( 'fieldname', 2), # field name **kw)
[docs]class Urbsu4b(Datamap): """ URBSU4B Rename File """ def __init__(self, **kw): Datamap.__init__(self, 'URBSU4B', String( 'filename', 16), # file name **kw)
[docs]class Urbsu4e(Datamap): """ URBSU4e Reuse ISN ON/OFF""" def __init__(self, **kw): Datamap.__init__(self, 'URBSU4E', String( 'isnreuse', 4), # 'ON'/'OFF' # **kw)
[docs]class Urbsu4f(Datamap): """ URBSU4f Reuse DS ON/OFF""" def __init__(self, **kw): Datamap.__init__(self, 'URBSU4F', String( 'dsreuse', 4), # 'ON'/'OFF' # **kw)
[docs]class Urbsu55(Datamap): """ URBSU55 Modify FCB """ def __init__(self, **kw): Datamap.__init__(self, 'URBSU55', Uint2( 'assopfac'), # Asso padding factor Uint2( 'datapfac'), # Data padding factor Uint4( 'maxrecl'), # Max. record length Uint2( 'maxui'), # Max sec alloc Upper Index Uint2( 'maxni'), # Max sec alloc Normal Index Uint2( 'maxds'), # Max sec alloc Data storage String( 'pgmrefresh', 1), # PGMREFRHESH='Y'/'N' # String( 'rplupdateonly', 1), # RPLUPDATEONLY='Y'/'N' # **kw)
[docs]class Urbsu5c(Datamap): """ URBSU5C Change Field Format """ def __init__(self, **kw): Datamap.__init__(self, 'URBSU5C', String( 'fieldname', 2), # Field name String( 'newformat', 1), # New format String( 'filler1', 1), **kw)
[docs]class Urbsu68(Datamap): """ URBSU68 USERISN ON/OFF""" def __init__(self, **kw): Datamap.__init__(self, 'URBSU68', Int4( 'userisn', 4), # 0=ON, 1=OFF **kw)
[docs]class Urbsu69(Datamap): """ URBSU69 Change MIXDSDEV""" def __init__(self, **kw): Datamap.__init__(self, 'URBSU69', Int4( 'mixdsdev', 4), # 0=ON, 1=OFF **kw)
[docs]class Urbsu70(Datamap): """ URBSU70 Online Invert""" def __init__(self, **kw): Datamap.__init__(self, 'URBSU70', String( 'fieldname', 2), # Descriptor name Uint1( 'reason'), # Reason code Bytes( 'filler1', 5), **kw)
[docs]class Urbsu78(Datamap): """ URBSU78 MUPE count """ def __init__(self, **kw): Datamap.__init__(self, 'URBSU78', Int4( 'mupex'), # Count=1 or 2 **kw)
# --- URBT --- def urbtinst_str(s): return str_str(s,{'Y': 'Initial-state transaction'}) def urbtptrn_str(s): return str_str(s,{'Y': 'Prior-transaction request'}) def urbtsort_str(s): return str_str(s,{'Y': 'Transaction records are sorted', 'N': 'Transaction records are not sorted'}) URBTEYE = 'URBT' # URBTL = 128 # urbtrsnd: Indicator for possible double delivery URBTRSNY = 'Y' # Data for same transaction may have # urbtinst: Initial-state transaction flag URBTINSY = 'Y' # Data sent by initial-state process # urbtptrn: Indicator for prior-transaction request URBTPTRY = 'Y' # Resending data from prior transaction # urbtcont: Indicator for transaction continuation URBTCONY = 'Y' # More data to follow in the next message # urbtsort: Indicates whether or not the transaction URBTSORY = 'Y' # records have been sorted by file, ISN, and relative number URBTSORN = 'N' # Transaction has not been sorted
[docs]class Urbt(Datamap): """URBT -- Transaction element Contains information related to one transaction. """ def __init__(self, **kw): Datamap.__init__(self, 'URBT', String( 'urbteye', 4), # URBT eye-catcher 'URBT' # Int4( 'urbtlen'), # Length of URBT String( 'urbtsnam', 8), # Subscription name Uint4( 'urbttsnr'), # Transaction sequence number # within subscription/destination Uint4( 'urbtrcnt'), # Count of records (URBRs) in transaction Uint8( 'urbtttim', opt=T_STCK), # Time (STCK) transaction commit Uint8( 'urbtptim', opt=T_STCK), # Time (STCK) end of subscription Uint2( 'urbtdbid'), # Originating Adabas database ID Uint2( 'urbtnuci'), # Originating Adabas nucleus ID Bytes( 'urbtguid', 28), # Originating 28-byte user ID Uint2( 'urbtrpid'), # Reptor target ID (DBID parameter) Uint2( 'urbtrpni'), # Reptor nucleus ID (not yet used) => zero String( 'urbtusrv', 2), # User subscription version indicator, String( 'urbtrsnd', 1, ppfunc=urbrsnd_str), # Ind. possible double delivery String( 'urbtinst', 1, ppfunc=urbtinst_str), # Ind. for initial state String( 'urbtrtok', 8), # Request ID token (if initial state) String( 'urbtcont', 1, ppfunc=urbcont_str), # Indicator for transaction continuation: Bytes( 'urbtarc', 1), # Architecture flags for selection data String( 'urbtptrn', 1, ppfunc=urbtptrn_str), # Prior-transaction request indicator String( 'urbtsort', 1, ppfunc=urbtsort_str), # Transaction records sorted Uint4( 'urbtacod'), # alpha field encoding in selection data Uint4( 'urbtwcod'), # wide field encoding in selection data Uint2( 'urbtutok'), # utility token if data comes from Replay or Adalod Load/Update String( 'urbtorig', 1, ppfunc=urborig_str), # Origin of transaction String( 'filler1', 1, opt=T_NONE), # Reserved area String( 'urbtsuid', 8), # Security system user id String( 'filler2', 16, opt=T_NONE), # Reserved area **kw)
# --- URBU --- URBUEYE = 'URBU' URBUVER1 = '01' URBUL = 80
[docs]class Urbu(Datamap): """URBU -- ADARPE Extract Header User Element Contains information related to ADARPE extration. It is the first record on the output file when running ADARPE with parameter HEADER=YES (default). """ def __init__(self, **kw): Datamap.__init__(self, 'URBU', String( 'urbueye', 4), # URBU eye-catcher 'URBU' Int4( 'urbulen'), # Length of URBU String( 'urbuvers', 2), # Version indicator String( 'urbuname', 8), # Extract name (ADARPE parameter NAME) Uint8( 'urbutime', opt=T_STCK), # Time (STCK) of ADARPE execution String( 'urbudist', 22, opt=T_NONE), # Local time displayable of ADARPE exec String( 'filler1', 32, opt=T_NONE), # Reserved area **kw)
# --- URBF --- URBFEYE = 'URBF' URBFL = 0x70 # length of URBF # GFFT version indicator URBFVER1 = '01' # First version # Future releases may allow a new layout ofthe GFFT. # In this case URBFVERS will be set to a different value. def urbfflag_str(s): return bit_str(s, [ (0x01, 'Mapping Tool', 'Predict'), # Creation type Predict is default (0x10, 'Optimized'), # PE/MU used occs. 1-N, preceded by count field # no MUs within PE allowed ])
[docs]class Urbf(Datamap): """ URBF -- Reptor Global format field table (GFFT) Header Urbf is the header for a global format field table (GFFT) """ def __init__(self, **kw): Datamap.__init__(self, 'URBF', String( 'urbfeye', 4), # URBF eye-catcher 'URBF' Uint4( 'urbflen'), # Length of URBF + related data (n*URBG) Uint4( 'urbflenh'), # Length of URBF Uint4( 'urbflend'), # Length of related data (n*URBG) String( 'urbfvers', 2), # GFFT version indicator String( 'urbffnre', 5), # File number eye-catcher Uint1( 'urbfflag', ppfunc=urbfflag_str), # String( 'urbfgfid', 8), # Global format ID related to GFFT Uint4( 'urbfdbid'), # DBID of file Uint2( 'urbffnr'), # File number Uint2( 'urbffnml'), # Length of file name String( 'urbffnam', 32), # File/userview name Uint8( 'urbftim1', opt=T_STCK), # Time (STCK) GFFT was created/refreshed Uint2( 'urbfcntg'), # Number of following URBG elements Uint2( 'urbfleng'), # Length of each URBG element Uint8( 'urbftim2', opt=T_STCK), # Time (STCK) GFFT for ADARDE(DEXIT) Bytes( 'filler1', 20, opt=T_NONE), # Reserved area **kw)
# --- URBG --- URBGL = 0x40 # length of URBG def urbgffmt_str(s): return str_str(s, { 0x00: '', # No format (e.g., group) 0x01: 'A', # Alphanumeric 0x02: 'B', # Binary 0x03: 'P', # Packed 0x04: 'U', # Unpacked 0x05: 'g', # Short floating point ? 0x06: 'G', # Long floating point ? 0x10: 'Date', # Date type field ? 0x13: 'PDate', # Packed date (4 bytes packed) ? 0x20: 'Time', # Time type field ? 0x23: 'PTime', # Packed time (7 bytes packed) ? #0x40: 'W', # Wide character format field setting 0x41: 'W', # Wide character (used with URBGFFAL) 0x42: 'WB', # Binary string (used with URBGFFBN) #0x80: 'Signed', # Signed (used with URBGFFBN) 0x82: 'B signed', # Binary Signed (used with URBGFFBN) == Int1/2/4/8 ? }) # URBGFFMT field format URBGFFNF = 0x00 # No format (e.g., group) URBGFFAL = 0x01 # Alphanumeric URBGFFBN = 0x02 # Binary URBGFFPK = 0x03 # Packed URBGFFUN = 0x04 # Unpacked URBGFFSF = 0x05 # Short floating point URBGFFLF = 0x06 # Long floating point URBGFFDT = 0x10 # Date type field URBGFFPD = 0x13 # Packed date (4 bytes packed) URBGFFTM = 0x20 # Time type field URBGFFPT = 0x23 # Packed time (7 bytes packed) URBGFFWC = 0x40 # Wide character format field setting URBGFFWA = 0x41 # Wide character (used with URBGFFAL) URBGFFBS = 0x42 # Binary string (used with URBGFFBN) URBGFFS1 = 0x80 # Signed (used with URBGFFBN) URBGFFSB = 0x82 # Binary Signed (used with URBGFFBN) def urbgtype_str(s): return bit_str(s, [ (0x01, 'PE'), # Periodic group (PE) field (0x02, 'MU'), # Multiple value (MU) field (0x04, 'fnC'), # Counter field for MU or PE (0x08, 'fnS'), # S format element as in xxS (0x10, 'PK'), # Primary key (0x20, 'DE'), # Descriptor (0x40, 'UQ'), # Unique descriptor ]) # URBGTYPE Field type URBGFTN = 0x00 # Normal field URBGFTPE = 0x01 # Periodic group (PE) field URBGFTMU = 0x02 # Multiple value (MU) field URBGFTCT = 0x04 # Counter field for MU or PE URBGFTSC = 0x08 # S format element as in xxS URBGFTKY = 0x10 # Primary key URBGFTDE = 0x20 # Descriptor URBGFTUQ = 0x40 # Unique descriptor def urbgflag_str(s): return bit_str(s, [ (0x01, 'Do not output'), # Do not output field (e.g. counter field) (0x02, 'Repeating field in PE'), # PGC,PA1-N,PB1-N,.. # otherwise: fields in PE grouped per occ. # PA1,PB2,..,PA2,PB2,.. (0x04, 'Super-DE/field'), (0x08, 'Sub-DE/field'), (0x10, 'Optimized'), # PE/MU used occs. 1-N, preceded by count field # no MUs within PE allowed in the form MU1-N(1-N) (0x20, 'Default is zero/space, never null'), ]) # URBGFLAG settings URBGFFRO = 0x01 # Do not put in output buffer URBGFPEE = 0x02 # Field is repeating MU/PE element -range # e.g. range as in AA1-N,AB1-N,AC1-N... # A non-repeating field is an array # of fields, e.g. AA1,AB1,AC1,AA2,AB2,AC2 URBGFSUP = 0x04 # Super DE/field URBGFSUB = 0x08 # Sub DE/field URBGFOPT = 0x10 # Optimized field URBGFDZS = 0x20 # Field default zero or space - never null
[docs]class Urbg(Datamap): """ URBG -- Reptor Global format field table (GFFT) element Urgb contains one field of many defined in a schema of a file being replicated. One or more Urbg follow one Urbf related to a global format that determines the structure of a related record. """ def __init__(self, **kw): Datamap.__init__(self, 'URBG', Uint2( 'urbgidx'), # Element index in GFFT String( 'urbgfid', 2), # Field short name Uint1( 'urbgffmt', ppfunc=urbgffmt_str), # Field format Uint1( 'urbgtype', ppfunc=urbgtype_str), # Field type Uint2( 'urbgflen'), # Field length Uint2( 'urbgfprc'), # Decimal place/precision Uint1( 'urbgflag', opt=T_HEX), # ppfunc=urbgflag_str), # Flags Bytes( 'filler1', 1, opt=T_NONE), # Reserved area # 1st level of occurrences: Uint2( 'urbgfrno'), # Range number Uint2( 'urbgfrfm'), # From-range number # 2st level of occurrences: 0x10 Uint2( 'urbgfono'), # Occurrence number Uint2( 'urbgfofm'), # From-occurrence number Uint2( 'urbgfnml'), # Length of field long name String( 'urbgfnam', 32), # Field long name String( 'urbgfgrp', 2), # Name of PE group String( 'urbgfmtx', 2), # External Format Type (Bytes?) String( 'urbgfrpn', 2), # Redefined parent name String( 'urbgffon', 2), # Field order number Bytes( 'filler2', 2, opt=T_NONE), # Reserved area **kw)
__version__ = 'v.r.l' if __version__ == 'v.r.l': _svndate='$Date: 2018-11-09 15:31:28 +0100 (Fr, 09 Nov 2018) $' _svnrev='$Rev: 878 $' __version__ = 'Dev ' + _svnrev.strip('$') + \ ' '.join(_svndate.strip('$').split()[0:3]) # Copyright 2004-ThisYear Software AG # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License.