Source code for adapya.era.reptor

# -*- coding: latin1 -*-
""" - Event Replication for Adabas main module

from __future__ import print_function          # PY3

from adapya.base.defs import adalog as log
from adapya.adabas import adaerror

from adapya.era.urb import Urbc,Urbd,Urbe,Urbh,Urbi,Urbr
from adapya.era.urb import Urbs,Urbsu,Urbt,Urbu,Urbi_isns,New_Urb
from adapya.era.urb import Urbf,Urbg,URBFL,URBGL,URBFVER1,URBFEYE,urbfflag_str
from adapya.era.urb import URBHEYE,URBHL,URBHBORD,URBHVER1
from adapya.era.urb import URBCEYE,URBCL,URBDEYE,URBDL,urbd_type
from adapya.era.urb import URBEEYE,URBEL
from adapya.era.urb import URBREYE,URBRL,urbr_type
from adapya.era.urb import URBSEYE,URBSL,URBSSTAU
from adapya.era.urb import URBUEYE,URBUL
from adapya.era.urb import urbs_status
from adapya.era.urb import REPTOR_RSP,texts_reptor_subcodes

from adapya.base.dump import dump
from adapya.base import conv
from adapya.base import datamap
from adapya.base import ecscodec
from adapya.base import stck
import binascii
import types

    from adapya.era import xtra  # external optional plugin
    xtra = None


[docs]class ReptorError(Exception): pass
[docs]class ParmsSubscription(object): "defines parameters for updating the target database" rblmax=0 fblmax=0 def __init__(self,subscription='',sversion='', sfiles=[]): """ subscription = name of subscription to handle version = 2 byte version string compared with Reptor SVERSION sfiles = list of ParmSubsFile objects """ self.subscription=subscription self.sfiles=sfiles if len(sfiles) > 0: self.tdbid=sfiles[0].tdbid for s in self.sfiles: if s.dmap: sz = s.dmap.getsize() else: sz = 0x7ff0 if ParmsSubscription.rblmax < sz: ParmsSubscription.rblmax = sz if ParmsSubscription.fblmax < len(s.fb): ParmsSubscription.fblmax=len(s.fb) if self.tdbid != s.tdbid: raise ReptorError( 'Multiple target DBIDs not supported in subscription processing')
[docs]class ParmsSfile(object): """ Defines parameters for updating the target database source and target database/file parameters and the record format :param sdbid: source database id :param sfnr: source file number :param tdbid: target database id :param tfnr: target file number :param fb: format buffer when storing data :param dmap: datamap object describing fields in record """ def __init__(self,fb='',dmap=None,handler=None,\ sdbid=0,sfnr=0,tdbid=0,tfnr=0): self.sdbid=sdbid self.sfnr=sfnr self.tdbid=tdbid self.tfnr=tfnr self.fb=fb self.handler=handler self.dmap=dmap if dmap: self.rbl = dmap.getsize() # set size of datamap else: self.rbl = 0
[docs]class SubscriptionStatus(object): """Holds current processing status of message(s) received""" snam='' sdbid=0 sfnr=0 smap=None
typURBH = 1 # input type with URBH header (from Message Queue or ADARIS) # set in ProcessingStatus().type with the first message # create datamap objects for each structure cc=Urbc(buffer=None,offset=0) dd=Urbd(buffer=None,offset=0) ee=Urbe(buffer=None,offset=0) ff=Urbf(buffer=None,offset=0) gg=Urbg(buffer=None,offset=0) hh=Urbh(buffer=None,offset=0) ii=Urbi(buffer=None,offset=0) nn=New_Urb(buffer=None,offset=0) rr=Urbr(buffer=None,offset=0) ss=Urbs(buffer=None,offset=0) ssu=Urbsu(buffer=None,offset=0) tt=Urbt(buffer=None,offset=0) uu=Urbu(buffer=None,offset=0) ii_isns=Urbi_isns(buffer=None,offset=0)
[docs]def setURBebcdic(TrueFalse): """Set all URB blocks to EBCDIC or not. Implicitely the byte encoding will be set to CP037 or Latin1 :param TrueFalse: True (set to EBDIC) or False """ cc.setEbcdic(TrueFalse) dd.setEbcdic(TrueFalse) ee.setEbcdic(TrueFalse) ff.setEbcdic(TrueFalse) gg.setEbcdic(TrueFalse) hh.setEbcdic(TrueFalse) ii.setEbcdic(TrueFalse) nn.setEbcdic(TrueFalse) rr.setEbcdic(TrueFalse) ss.setEbcdic(TrueFalse) ssu.setEbcdic(TrueFalse) tt.setEbcdic(TrueFalse) uu.setEbcdic(TrueFalse) ii_isns.setEbcdic(TrueFalse)
[docs]def setURBnwbo(): """set all URB blocks to NETWORKBO byte order""" cc.byteOrder=dd.byteOrder=ee.byteOrder=hh.byteOrder=ii.byteOrder=datamap.NETWORKBO ff.byteOrder=gg.byteOrder=datamap.NETWORKBO rr.byteOrder=ss.byteOrder=ssu.byteOrder=tt.byteOrder=uu.byteOrder=datamap.NETWORKBO ii_isns=nn.byteOrder=datamap.NETWORKBO
[docs]def makeURBH(buffer, msgNo=0, senderName='Admin'): """write URB header at beginning of buffer :param msgNo: message number (optional) :param senderName: 8 byte name identifying the sender """ hh.buffer=buffer hh.offset=0 hh.urbheye=URBHEYE hh.urbhlen=URBHL hh.urbhvers=URBHVER1 hh.urbhbord=URBHBORD hh.urbhlent=URBHL # current / total msg length hh.urbhmsnr=msgNo # msg seq number per sender hh.urbhtime=0 hh.urbhrpid=0 hh.urbhrpni=0 hh.urbhname=senderName
def setTotalLength(totalLength): if totalLength > len(hh.buffer): raise ReptorError( 'new total length %d exceeds buffer size %d' % (totalLength,len(hh.buffer)) ) hh.urbhlent=totalLength
[docs]def makeURBS(token='TEST'): """ create an URBS which can be received on an output queue :param token: token for URBS :return: current message size """ if URBSL+hh.urbhlent > len(hh.buffer): raise ReptorError( 'Buffer full: %d + %d > %d' %\ (hh.urbhlent,URBSL,len(hh.buffer))) ss.buffer=hh.buffer ss.offset=hh.urbhlent ss.urbseye=URBSEYE ss.urbslen=URBSL ss.urbslenh=URBIL ss.urbslend=0 ss.urbsrtok=token ss.urbsrt='' ss.urbsst='TEST' setTotalLength(ss.offset+URBSL) return ss.offset+URBSL # return current message size
[docs]def requestInst(dbid=0,fnr=0,instname='',token='INSTREQU', rspDest='',isnl=[],value='',arc=0,acode='',wcode=''): """ create URBI with initial state request element for an initial state definition :param instname: initial state name and :param dbid: database id :param fnr: file number optional are: :param rspDest: response destination :param isnl: selected ISN list :param value: selection value :param arc: architecture :param acode: alfa encoding :param wcode: wide encoding :return: current message size """ if URBIL+hh.urbhlent > len(hh.buffer): raise ReptorError( 'Buffer full: %d + %d > %d' %\ (hh.urbhlent,URBIL,len(hh.buffer))) ii.buffer=hh.buffer ii.offset=hh.urbhlent ii.urbieye=URBIEYE ii.urbilen=URBIL ii.urbilenh=URBIL ii.urbilend=0 ii.urbirtok=token ii.urbirnam=rspDest # destination name for response ii.urbirt=URBIRTIS # Initial-state request type ii.urbidbid=dbid ii.urbifnr=fnr ii.urbiinam=instname ii.urbisnam='' ii.urbidnam='' i0=ii.offset+URBIL if len(value) > 0: # value for selection criterion if len(isnl)>0: raise ReptorError( 'ISN(s) and selection value cannot be specified both') else: hh.buffer[i0:i0+len(value)]=value i1=len(value) ii.urbilend=i1 ii.urbilen=i1+URBIL i1+=i0 setTotalLength(i1) ii.urbiarc=arc ii.urbiacod=ecscodec.getecs(acode) ii.urbiwcod=ecscodec.getecs(wcode) return i1 elif len(isnl)==0: # no ISN list -> complete file setTotalLength(i0) return i0 # return current message size else: # ISN list ii_isns.buffer=hh.buffer ii_isns.offset=ii.offset+URBIL for i in isnl: if type(i) is list: ii_isns.urbiirange=URBIIRANGE ii_isns.urbiisn1=i[0] ii_isns.urbiisn2=i[1] ii_isns.offset+=URBIIRANGELEN else: ii_isns.urbiisn=i ii_isns.offset+=URBIISNLEN i1=ii_isns.offset ii.urbilend=i1-i0 ii.urbilen=i1-i0+URBIL setTotalLength(i1) return i1 # return current message size
[docs]def requestPriorTrans(destination='', rspDest='', subscription='', transSeqno=0, token='PRIORRQ'): """create URBI Prior Transaction request element for subscription, transaction sequence number within subscription and destination if rspDest (response destination) it will receive a status response URBS as well returns current message size """ if URBIL+hh.urbhlent > len(hh.buffer): raise ReptorError( 'Buffer full: %d + %d > %d' %\ (hh.urbhlent,URBIL,len(hh.buffer))) if transSeqno<=0: raise ReptorError( 'transSeqno %d must be > 0' % transSeqno) ii.buffer=hh.buffer ii.offset=hh.urbhlent ii.urbieye=URBIEYE ii.urbilen=URBIL ii.urbilenh=URBIL ii.urbilend=0 ii.urbirtok=token ii.urbirnam=rspDest # destination name for response ii.urbirt=URBIRTTA # request type: Prior transaction seqno ii.urbidbid=0 ii.urbifnr=0 ii.urbiinam='' ii.urbisnam=subscription ii.urbidnam=destination ii.urbitsnr=transSeqno setTotalLength(ii.offset+URBIL) return ii.offset+URBIL # return current message size
[docs]def requestStatus(destination='', rspDest='', subscription='', token='STATUSRQ'): """create URBI status request element for destination and/or subscription if rspDest (response destination) it will receive a status response URBS as well returns current message size """ if URBIL+hh.urbhlent > len(hh.buffer): raise ReptorError( 'Buffer full: %d + %d > %d' %\ (hh.urbhlent,URBIL,len(hh.buffer))) ii.buffer=hh.buffer ii.offset=hh.urbhlent ii.urbieye=URBIEYE ii.urbilen=URBIL ii.urbilenh=URBIL ii.urbilend=0 ii.urbirtok=token ii.urbirnam=rspDest # destination name for response ii.urbirt=URBIRTST # status request type ii.urbidbid=0 ii.urbifnr=0 ii.urbiinam='' ii.urbisnam=subscription ii.urbidnam=destination setTotalLength(ii.offset+URBIL) return ii.offset+URBIL # return current message size
[docs]def requestCloseDest(destination='', rspDest='', token='CLSDrqst'): """create URBI 'close destination' request element for destination if rspDest (response destination) it will receive a status response URBS as well returns current message size """ if URBIL+hh.urbhlent > len(hh.buffer): raise ReptorError( 'Buffer full: %d + %d > %d' %\ (hh.urbhlent,URBIL,len(hh.buffer))) ii.buffer=hh.buffer ii.offset=hh.urbhlent ii.urbieye=URBIEYE ii.urbilen=URBIL ii.urbilenh=URBIL ii.urbilend=0 ii.urbirtok=token ii.urbirnam=rspDest # destination name for response ii.urbirt=URBIRTCD # Close destination request type ii.urbidbid=0 ii.urbifnr=0 ii.urbiinam='' ii.urbisnam='' ii.urbidnam=destination setTotalLength(ii.offset+URBIL) return ii.offset+URBIL # return current message size
[docs]def requestOpenDest(destination='', rspDest='', token='OPNDrqst'): """create URBI 'open destination' request element for destination if rspDest (response destination) it will receive a status response URBS as well returns current message size """ if URBIL+hh.urbhlent > len(hh.buffer): raise ReptorError( 'Buffer full: %d + %d > %d' %\ (hh.urbhlent,URBIL,len(hh.buffer))) ii.buffer=hh.buffer ii.offset=hh.urbhlent ii.urbieye=URBIEYE ii.urbilen=URBIL ii.urbilenh=URBIL ii.urbilend=0 ii.urbirtok=token ii.urbirnam=rspDest # destination name for response ii.urbirt=URBIRTOD # 'Open destination' request type ii.urbidbid=0 ii.urbifnr=0 ii.urbiinam='' ii.urbisnam='' ii.urbidnam=destination setTotalLength(ii.offset+URBIL) return ii.offset+URBIL # return current message size
LOGURBH=1 LOGURBT=2 LOGURBR=4 LOGURBD=8 LOGURBDD=16 # LOG DATA of URBD LOGURBE=32 # LOG end of transaction LOGURBDM=64 # LOG datamap of data of URBD LOGURBC=128 LOGURBU=256 LOGURBS=512 LOGURBI=1024 LOGURBF=2**11 # log URBF and URBG LOGallURB=2**12-1
[docs]class Replicator(object): """ Replicator class can process replication data A provider or consumer of replication stream can set handlers via setHandler() which will be called to process the different URB* messages """ handUrbc=None handUrbd=None handUrbe=None handUrbf=None handUrbi=None handUrbh=None handUrbr=None handUrbs=None handUrbt=None handUrbu=None typ = 0 # input type # urbh type perrors = 0 # number of errors detected pcount = 0 # number of buffers or records processed logging = 0 ecodec = 'cp037'
[docs] def process(self, buffer, length, status=0, substat=None): """ Process a message received from Reptor :param status: uow status :param substat: may reference the subscription status class instance for processing subscription data :param subconf: may reference the subscription and subscription-file configuration for processing subscription data """ self.pcount += 1 # count number of process() calls if length < 32: # minimum URB header is 32 self.perrors += 1 # count processing errors log.error('Replication Record %d: too short' % self.pcount) dump(buffer[:length],log=log.error,ecodec=self.ecodec) return # the first record or buffer decides for the rest if it is # - messages from broker or ADARIS: always starts with URBH # - ASCII or EBCDIC format of the URBs # - other type is from ADARPE: URBs in EBCDIC and Network byte order # if self.pcount == 1: if 1: # ADARIS binary output may have records starting with URBH and other URB types # intermixed # datamap.dataIsEbcdic=0 (default) # datamap.setNativeByteOrder() (default) if buffer[0:3] == b'\xE4\xD9\xC2': # URBx in EBCDIC? # datamap.dataIsEbcdic = 1 setURBebcdic(True) if buffer[3:4] == b'\xC8': self.typ |= typURBH if buffer[10:12] == b'\x00\x01': # datamap.setNetworkByteOrder() setURBnwbo() else: # ADARPE type (no URBH) # datamap.setNetworkByteOrder() self.typ &= ~typURBH # reset possible URBH type setURBnwbo() elif buffer[0:3] == b'URB': if buffer[3:4] == b'H': self.typ |= typURBH # setURBebcdic(False) # default if buffer[10:12] == b'\x00\x01': # datamap.setNetworkByteOrder() setURBnwbo() else: self.typ &= ~typURBH # reset possible URBH type else: self.perrors += 1 # count processing errors log.error('Replication Record % d: no URB* prefix detected' % self.pcount) dump(buffer,header='Buffer received',log=log.error,ecodec=self.ecodec) raise ReptorError('No URB* prefix detected but "%s"'% (buffer[:3],)) if __debug__: if self.logging & LOGallURB: # any logging log.debug('URB in EBCDIC = %d, URBH messages = %d' % (datamap.dataIsEbcdic, self.typ & typURBH)) if self.typ & typURBH: hh.buffer=buffer hh.offset=0 if hh.urbheye != URBHEYE: self.perrors += 1 # count processing errors log.error('Replication Record % d: no URBH prefix detected' % self.pcount) dump(buffer[:length],log=log.error,ecodec=self.ecodec) return if hh.urbhvers != URBHVER1: log.error('Record %d: incompatible URBH version %s received / expected %s:' %\ (self.pcount, hh.urbhvers, URBHVER1)) dump(buffer[:length],log=log.error,ecodec=self.ecodec) return total_length=hh.urbhlent if __debug__: if self.logging & LOGURBH: log.debug('\n\nURBH %s msg %d total-len %d rpid %d/%d %s\n' % (stck.sstckd(hh.urbhtime), hh.urbhmsnr, hh.urbhlent, hh.urbhrpid, hh.urbhrpni, hh.urbhname)) if self.handUrbh: self.handUrbh(hh, substat) offset = URBHL rest_length = total_length - URBHL else: offset = 0 rest_length = length while rest_length > 4: nn.buffer=buffer nn.offset=offset if nn.eye == URBDEYE: dd.buffer=buffer dd.offset=offset if __debug__: if self.logging & LOGURBD: log.debug('URBD(%d) %s' % (dd.urbddsnr, urbd_type[dd.urbdtyp])) if self.logging & LOGURBDD: datalen = dd.urbdlend dump(dd.buffer[offset+URBDL:offset+URBDL+datalen], header=None, prefix=' ',log=log.debug,ecodec=self.ecodec) if self.handUrbd: self.handUrbd(dd, substat) rest_length -= dd.urbdlen offset+=dd.urbdlen elif nn.eye == URBEEYE: ee.buffer=buffer ee.offset=offset if __debug__: if self.logging & LOGURBE: log.debug('URBE -- end of transaction %d for subscription %s' % \ (ee.urbetsnr, ee.urbesnam)) rest_length -= URBEL offset+=URBEL if self.handUrbe: self.handUrbe(ee, substat) elif nn.eye == URBREYE: rr.buffer=buffer rr.offset=offset if __debug__: if self.logging & LOGURBH: log.debug('URBR -- %s record fnr %d isn %d' % \ (urbr_type[rr.urbrtyp], rr.urbrfnr, rr.urbrisn)) if rr.urbrrsp: rspTxt='' rspTxt=adaerror.rsptext(rr.urbrrsp,rr.urbrsubc,erri=rr.urbrerrc) log.debug( rspTxt ) if self.handUrbr: self.handUrbr(rr, substat) rest_length-=URBRL offset+=URBRL elif nn.eye == URBTEYE: tt.buffer=buffer tt.offset=offset if __debug__: if self.logging & LOGURBT: if tt.urbtarc > b'\x00': encstr = 'arc=%d, acode=%s, wcode=%s' %\ (ord(tt.urbtarc), ecscodec.getcodec(tt.urbtacod), ecscodec.getcodec(tt.urbtwcod)) else: encstr='' log.debug('URBT -- transaction %d with %d records for subscription %s\n'\ ' guid %s\n'\ ' ET %s dbid %d/%d\n'\ ' RP %s rpid %d/%d %s' % \ (tt.urbttsnr, tt.urbtrcnt, tt.urbtsnam, binascii.hexlify(tt.urbtguid), stck.sstckd(tt.urbtttim), tt.urbtdbid, tt.urbtnuci, stck.sstckd(tt.urbtptim), tt.urbtrpid, tt.urbtrpni, encstr)) if tt.urbtrsnd==URBTRSNY: log.debug(' -- possible double delivery --') if tt.urbtinst==URBTINSY: log.debug(' -- initial state --') if tt.urbtcont==URBTCONY: log.debug(' -- to be continued with next message --') if self.handUrbt: self.handUrbt(tt, substat) rest_length-=URBTL offset+=URBTL elif nn.eye == URBCEYE: cc.buffer=buffer cc.offset=offset if __debug__: if self.logging & LOGURBC: log.debug('URBC -- transaction %d continued record %d dseq %d subs %s\n'\ % (cc.urbctsnr, cc.urbcrsnr, cc.urbcdsnr, cc.urbcsnam)) if cc.urbccont==URBTCONY: log.debug(' -- to be continued with next message --') if self.handUrbc: self.handUrbc(cc, substat) rest_length-=URBCL offset+=URBCL elif nn.eye == URBSEYE: ss.buffer=buffer ss.offset=offset if __debug__: if self.logging & LOGURBS: subcTxt = '' if ss.urbsrsp > 0: subcTxt=' -'+str(ss.urbssubc) if ss.urbsrsp==REPTOR_RSP: if 0 < ss.urbssubc < len(texts_reptor_subcodes): subcTxt += '- '+texts_reptor_subcodes[ss.urbssubc] else: if ss.urbsrsp in adaerror.rspdict: subcTxt += ' - '+adaerror.rspdict[ss.urbsrsp] log.debug('URBS %s -- %s\n' \ ' subs %s dest %s init %s rsp %d%s %s\n'\ ' ET %s dbid %d fnr %d\n'\ ' RP %s tsnr %d rtok %r' % \ (stck.sstckd(ss.urbstime), urbs_status.get(ss.urbsst,ss.urbsst), ss.urbssnam, ss.urbsdnam, ss.urbsinam, ss.urbsrsp, subcTxt, ss.urbserri, stck.sstckd(ss.urbsttim), ss.urbsdbid, ss.urbsfnr, stck.sstckd(ss.urbsptim), ss.urbstsnr, ss.urbsrtok)) datalen = ss.urbslend if datalen > 0: if ss.urbsst == URBSSTAU: # online utility ssu.buffer=buffer ssu.offset=offset+URBSL ssu.dprint() elif xtra: xtra.urbslog(ss) else: dump(ss.buffer[offset+URBSL:offset+URBSL+datalen], header=' Reptor Status/Response Data', prefix=' ',log=log.debug,ecodec=self.ecodec) if self.handUrbs: self.handUrbs(ss, substat) rest_length -= ss.urbslen offset += ss.urbslen elif nn.eye == URBIEYE: ii.buffer=buffer ii.offset=offset if __debug__: if self.logging & LOGURBI: if ii.urbirt != URBIRTST and ii.urbirt != URBIRTIS: rtypeText = 'Unknown request type ' + ii.urbirt else: rtypeText = urbi_rtext[ii.urbirt] log.debug('URBI %s -- token %s\n' \ ' subs %s dest %s rdest %s\n' \ ' init %s dbid %d fnr %d\n' % \ (rtypeText, ii.urbirtok, ii.urbisnam, ii.urbidnam, ii.urbirnam, ii.urbiinam, ii.urbidbid, ii.urbifnr)) datalen = ii.urbilend if datalen > 0: dump(ii.buffer[offset+URBIL:offset+URBIL+datalen], header=' Initial-state selection', prefix=' ',log=log.debug) if self.handUrbi: self.handUrbi(ii, substat) rest_length-=ii.urbilen offset+=ii.urbilen elif nn.eye == URBUEYE: uu.buffer=buffer uu.offset=offset if __debug__: if self.logging & LOGURBU: log.debug('URBU -- ADARPE %s extract from %s (local time)\n'\ % (uu.urbuname, uu.urbudist)) if self.handUrbu: self.handUrbu(uu, substat) rest_length -= URBUL offset += URBUL elif nn.eye == URBFEYE: # global format field table (GFFT) ff.buffer = buffer ff.offset = offset if __debug__: if self.logging & LOGURBF: # ff.urbffnam[: ff.urbffnml] log.debug('URBF -- gfid=%s db=%d, fnr=%d\n' \ ' fnam=%s, items=%d\n' \ ' created=%s with %s\n%s' % (ff.urbfgfid, ff.urbfdbid, ff.urbffnr, ff.urbffnam,ff.urbfcntg, stck.sstckd(ff.urbftim1)[0:19], urbfflag_str(ff.urbfflag), ' processed=%s\n' % stck.sstckd(ff.urbftim2)[0:19] if ff.urbftim2 else '' )) datalen = ff.urbflend if datalen > 0: gg.buffer = buffer gg.offset = offset+URBFL for i in range(ff.urbfcntg): gg.dprint() gg.offset += URBGL rest_length -= ff.urbflen offset += ff.urbflen if self.handUrbf: self.handUrbf(ff, substat) else: log.error('Unknown Structure %s' % nn.eye) dump(buffer[offset:offset+rest_length],log=log.error,ecodec=self.ecodec) break
def setHandler(self, urbType, function): # print( 'setHandler called', urbType, function) if urbType=='URBC': self.handUrbc=function elif urbType=='URBD': self.handUrbd=function elif urbType=='URBE': self.handUrbe=function elif urbType=='URBF': self.handUrbf=function elif urbType=='URBH': self.handUrbh=function elif urbType=='URBR': self.handUrbr=function elif urbType=='URBS': self.handUrbs=function elif urbType=='URBT': self.handUrbt=function elif urbType=='URBI': self.handUrbi=function elif urbType=='URBU': self.handUrbu=function else: raise ReptorError( 'unknown structure %s'% (urbType,))
__version__ = 'v.r.l' if __version__ == 'v.r.l': _svndate='$Date: 2023-12-01 00:54:33 +0100 (Fri, 01 Dec 2023) $' _svnrev='$Rev: 1072 $' __version__ = 'Dev ' + _svnrev.strip('$') + \ ' '.join(_svndate.strip('$').split()[0:3]) # Copyright 2004-ThisYear Software AG # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License.